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SEASY - Social Enterprise Action South Yorkshire

Partnership information


group photo

The Social Enterprise Action in South Yorkshire Development Partnership (SEASY) brings together a number of cutting edge social enterprises from across South Yorkshire and is led and co-ordinated by SCEDU (Sheffield Community Enterprise Development Unit).

Partners include: Groundwork Sheffield, Social Enterprise Europe Ltd, Graduate Gateway and Barnsley Black and Minority Ethnic Initiative (BBEMI).


SEASY aims to develop, support and promote a thriving social enterprise sector in South Yorkshire, which is capable of bringing excluded groups of people back into the labour market. The rationale is to ensure that South Yorkshire’s social enterprise sector maximises opportunities afforded through public sector contracting and regeneration initiatives. 


SEASY has been focusing its activities on the following areas within three main strands:

Workforce development strand
1. Pilots for workforce development and capacity building for social enterprises
2..Pilots to harness and attract non-traditional people moving into the social enterprise sector both as employees and entrepreneurs

Social Accounting strand
3..Developing new accounting for quality models incorporating the best of social audit, social licenses and social accounts

Procurement strand
4. Developing new business models for public/private/social enterprise partnerships, including JVCs (Joint Venture Companies) and procurement
5. Creating routes to public sector procurement contracts by piloting new social enterprise brokerage models.

Target groups

Primary beneficiaries include: new and existing social enterprises.
Ultimate beneficiaries include: unemployed people from disadvantaged communities, women, ethnic minorities, older people, people with disabilities, graduates, young unemployed males and non traditional workers in the social economy.



Round 1 to Round 2


Transnational partnerships


Dave Thornett, Sheffield Community Enterprise Development Unit (SCEDU),


Action 2: 31 March 2008
Action 3: 31 March 2008

Equal theme

Social economy



BME groups, Employed in SMEs, People from disadvantaged areas (top 10% most deprived wards)
Total beneficiaries: 70

Intended impact/ sustainability

The DP has had an impact on opening out the demand side to make it more social enterprise friendly, and at the same time has had an impact on social enterprises to make them more procurment ready through being better businesses. This in turn creates employment opportunities and is good PR for the sector. The success of this approach needs to be embedded within local and regional strategies and work is underway to ensure that this will happen working with the RDA, business link, local authorites, social enterprise sector and the NHS.

Scatter plot

Product X X
Policy X X
City Local Regional National European


Local and regional social enterprises, and social enterprise business support organisations are adopting the constitutional model in their work to grow the social economy. There are opportunities for this work to be progressed nationally and internationally.


An accredited course in environmental training for marginalised communities has been developed by the DP. This will be available for training providers nationally to use. Interest has been expressed by a number of level 3 providers..


The approach to growing the social economy tested by SEASY is to be adopted by the RDA through Social Enterprise Yorkshire and The Humber (SEYH).


Mainstreaming opportunities are varied due to role played by the many government departments and public sector bodies with an interest in the social economy. Routes to influence all exist, but identifiying the source of the lead influence is not clear, and is subject to regulare policy change.

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Activities and products