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Partnership information



The partnership is basing its approach on a model of replication developed with Sunderland Home Care Associates (SHCA), a cooperative that provides home care services to older people. This has involved setting up the Caring And Sharing Associates (CASA) with staff from SHCA and support from NESEP members Social Enterprise Sunderland.

CASA has set up North Tyneside Home Care Associates working with Comecon, which now employs over 30 people. Funding has been secured to establish Newcastle Home Care Associates and negotiations are under way in South Shields, Middlesborough, Manchester and Cornwall.

CASA’s long term funding will be secured through each business it sets up paying it a percentage of its profits to not only establish more coops but also to federate the businesses together to strengthen their lobbying position and provide shared services. CASA itself will ultimately be owned by its member coops.

The DP has engaged with experts in the relevant sectors ranging from University Departments to community agencies and organisations in a position to develop new business ideas. Thus it has plans well advanced in renewable energy, catering, sport, mental health and hotels as well as CASA.



INSPIRE looks at replicating social enterprise opportunities across the North East of England by establishing companies known as replication partnerships. These are specifically targeted at gaps in market growth areas (see below). It also aims to establish a Research and Development unit within the field of social enterprise.



  • Ideas from numerous agencies involved with social enterprise e.g. local authorities, support agencies etc are brought together in 'Replication Partnerships'. Ideas are evaluated and shared within the partnership, and where they are seen to work, they can be disseminated across the region and beyond.
  • In particular, regional growth sectors namely Care, Cultural and Tourism and Environment where seen as fertile ground for creating silos and targeting beneficiaries. Where a new enterprise receives advice and guidance from a replication partnership, a member of the partnership will sit on the board of the enterprise.

Target Groups

A variety of disadvantaged groups



Round 1 to Round 2

This Development Partnership was not involved in Round One.


Richard Falconer, North East Social Enterprise Partnership,


Action 2: 31 March 2008
Action 3: 31 March 2008

Equal theme

Social economy


Three partners have come together in this partnership to develop a model which has been successfully applied in domiciliary care with CASA (Caring and Sharing Associates). This initial model represented 130 people working in the sector. This model has clear application to other geographical areas beyond the North East region, and to other sectors. The Development Partnership has been established to apply proven elements of good practice in the care model to other sectors of social enterprise


Asylum seekers, BME groups, Employed in SMEs, Unemployed
Total beneficiaries: 35

Intended impact/ sustainability

The DP will demonstrate the vision whereby long term social needs take priority over traditional profit orientation by replicating the social enterprise culture. A replication partnership will receive a % of the turnover of any enterprise it works with, thus engendering a model of sustainability beyond the funded life of the partnership. Active governance is encouraged in that partnerships can be operated essentially as workers cooperatives where beneficiaries can hold shares in the 'company'. Mainstreaming potential is good, with developing connections with business support agencies and social enterprises. The transnational partnership with 6 other Equal programmes will also be focused on replication and is called Sharing, Identifying, Promoting and Supporting (SIPS). The work with SIPS will form the basis of the development of INSPIRE Europe.


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